
Agency Reviews


About Visa Affix

Visa Affix is an immigration consultancy based in Dubai. They help with business immigration and individual immigration to multiple countries, primarily Canada. They cover the majority of the Canadian immigration programs, from Express Entry to temporary visas, but the primary focus seems to be on business immigration. They need a page detailing their services, so there needs to be a clear indication of all their paid services; however, this is mainly outlined in their introductory video.

They offer a free eligibility assessment and mention that they will consult you about your case and provide advice and strategies for your immigration process. Through their website, they have explicit knowledge of the Canadian immigration system. This company has one RCIC, Emily Ghosh, registered with the CICC.


While this is a legitimate company and Emily Ghosh is a legitimate RCIC, the current state of their website and website content makes them seem less legitimate than they are. While They have a blog page, they have only started posting since August 2022. They also have a newsletter that started in August 2022, but only three have been released since the start date.

Their introductory video has terrible sound quality that's often difficult to understand and a strange green-screen effect that makes it look unnatural and, as a result, questionable. What exacerbates this is some of the information on the site needs to be updated, such as referring to the now-defunct ICCRC (which was replaced by the CICC).

They do have testimonials, but often with visa or passport photographs to show the testimonial writers, which also adds to the unnatural quality of the site.

Social Media

Visa Affix has YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Their YouTube could be more extensive, with two similar introductory videos with low production value and difficult-to-hear sound. Their Facebook is private and inaccessible to the public. Their Instagram is sporadically active, often going months without posting and posting multiple times within a few days.

The posts are often about Canadian immigration news or specific religious or political holidays that the VisaAffix clientele celebrate. The posts do have a consistent style and are professional. However, their social media does not give you a feel for the company due to the sporadic posting and the relatively generic style of posts.


Visa Affix is a legitimate if highly limited, company. They have good Google reviews, but you would never know this based on their current online presence. Much of their website's information needs to be updated or expanded, and Instagram is currently their only active social media account.

This is a shame as all of their information checks out and is certified by regulatory boards within Canada.